
What is Reiki

Reiki healing is an ancient energy healing technique that originated in Japan. It channels universal energy, known as “chi”, into a patient to bring about healing and balance. We will discuss the client’s needs and expectations, and assess their energy levels and identify any imbalances.  We use a variety of techniques to assess these levels, including visual observation, deep breathing exercises, and meditation. It utilizes the power of touch and during a  session and a Reiki practitioner places their hands lightly on different parts of the body in order to allow this energy to flow freely. It works through the body’s natural healing process by restoring physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Reiki treatments are non-invasive and safe for all ages.

How Can It Improve My Life

Reiki can be beneficial in many ways. It can be used to treat a variety of ailments and conditions, such as reducing stress and anxiety, relieving physical pain, promoting relaxation, increasing energy levels, improving sleep quality, releasing unhealthy attachments or habits, clearing energetic blocks in the body and more. By channeling positive energy into the body through light touch or hovering hands, it nourishes your mind, body, and spirit. By taking part in a Reiki session, you can experience improved mental clarity and emotional well-being as well as a sense of inner peace. Reiki is not only a powerful tool for healing but also an effective way to reduce stress and boost overall health. Regular sessions may even help to prevent illness by keeping your energy in balance. 

reiki, rtt, crystal healing, therapist

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