Feng Shui & Vastu

What is Feng Shui

The term feng shui means, literally, “wind-water”.

By definition, feng shui is a practice of arranging the pieces in living spaces to create balance with the natural world.

The essential principles of feng shui are: the commanding position, the bagua, and the 5 elements being—earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. The goal is to harness energy forces by arranging buildings, objects, and space in an environment to achieve harmony and balance between an individual and their environment. We can achieve this by placing certain objects, rearrangement of furniture, bringing in colour appropriate to a particular direction or Room etc to bring in harmony and abundance.

This is what it means to feng shui your home.


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What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra is a Sanskrit term that translates to the “science of architecture.” It incorporates many architectural design ideas, such as space, arrangement, layout and measurements, ground preparation, which are then applied in the construction of buildings to promote the peace, well-being and prosperity of the inhabitants.

Vastu Shastra is known as the yoga of design and its guidelines come from the ancient Indian knowledge contained in the “Vastu Vidya.” Buildings constructed using the principles of Vastu Shastra are said to provide a healthier living space and a better energy balance, making them ideal for practicing yoga in.

Vastu Shastra revolves around five major elements- Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Space. With the help of these five elements, one can create a blissful casa that is filled with love, positivity and prosperity. All these elements combined with ideal directions create a balanced and harmonious living environment.

Whether you are someone who is renovating or busy decorating your new home, it is time for you to know about the 5 elements of Vastu Shastra.

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