Energy Clearing & Smudging

Energy Clearing & Smudging

Smudging and Energy clearing is not only for spaces; it’s also for clearing your body, mind, and spirit of any negativity, stagnation, or energetic disturbances within or surrounding you.

Smudging is an ancient ceremony in which you burn sacred plants, such as sage, palo santo or frankincense to allow the smoke to clear and bless a space.

As part of the ritual, we invite the sacred smoke around your home, office and your body from head to toe and front to back to help set your intentions and balance your energies in and around you.

If you’re feeling stuck, negative, sluggish, or even downright depressed, it may be due to some stagnant energy in your field that is not allowing positive energy to enter. Your field can include your emotional, energetic, mental, spiritual or physical body, and your environment—whether it’s your home, office, or other physical space. Stagnant or negative energy can have extremely detrimental effects on your mental and physical state and is even believed to manifest into things like a lack of happiness and success as well as pain and disease.

How Can It Help

As an energy practitioner I would like to call it”spiritual hygiene.” I specialize in clearing energy at home, office or any space with sageing and clearing statements.

If you work with a lot of people, in a job where you’re interacting and shaking hands, always in groups etc. then sageing off on a regular basis can help keep your energy and body in balance, I recommend focusing on the areas of homes or offices that are the most highly trafficked rooms or not even, as we all bring in energies we pick up from outside or people around us and thus diffusing the space by clearing and smudging and keeping your spiritual hygiene on point is really important.

reiki, rtt, crystal healing, therapist

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