Crystal Healing

What is Crystal Healing?

Crystal healing is an alternative medicine technique that employs crystals and other stones as conduits for natural healing energy.

In crystal therapy practice one uses semiprecious stones and crystals such as quartz, agate, amethyst or opal etc. It is believed that these have healing powers, Practitioners of crystal healing believe they can boost low energy, prevent bad energy, release blocked energy, and transform a body’s aura. With the use of crystals and semi precious gems stones.

When the crystal is used therapeutically and with focus, it helps to bring the body’s energy systems back into balance and stimulates the body’s natural healing processes so that the person can heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. Crystal therapy is non-invasive, gentle and restores harmony to the body, mind and spirit as it clears away negativity, fear, depression, and disease patterns to achieve feelings of well-being and wholeness. The use of crystal healing dates back over 5,000 years ago and was popular in Ancient Egypt, in Ayurvedic Medicine in India and in traditional Chinese Medicine and has now been revived for assisting with modern day illnesses.

How does a crystal Therapy session work?

Each Crystal Healing session is 90 minutes and addresses a specific condition. Conditions include: grief release, anxiety release, heartache/depression, fertility, stamina, headaches/migraines, digestive disorders, immune system strengthening, insomnia, aura cleansing, pain relief and mental acuity. Each session begins with a chakra assessment to determine the health and vitality of each chakra. Then crystals will be used to open, cleanse and strengthen each chakra. A specific crystal layout will be chosen for your specific needs and the stones will activated for their fullest healing potential and placed on or around the body to stimulate healing and restore balance. The session is very soothing and deeply relaxing as the crystals do their healing work. In this deep state of relaxation, stress is released allowing you to feel rejuvenated, revitalized and completely refreshed.

Each Crystal has its properties and it’s uses and once talking to the client we determine what crystals to use and how it can benefit the client.

crystal healing
reiki, rtt, crystal healing, therapist

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